

Every woman has the opportunity to reach her full potential.


  Within the Jewish and wider community, we:

Emotional Support for Women
Women's Directory

Jewish Women's Directory

NCJWA Vic’s Jewish Women’s Directory brings together Jewish women in the community with people looking for talent, skill and experience.

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Discover Our Programs


A confidential, non-denominational program, Caring Mums matches experienced mothers with new and expecting mums – to offer emotional support when it’s needed most. All our Caring Mums are trained volunteers who want to make a difference to the lives of other mothers.

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Pairing Year 9 girls with a Mentor in their 20’s, The Jam Project empowers Participants to build their self-worth, identity, resilience and autonomy. You’ll meet with your Mentor regularly – while also engaging in stimulating activities and listening to inspiring guest speakers.

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Bat Mitzvah Program

Held in the final term of the UJEB Bat Mitzvah Program, the NCJWA Vic component explores Jewish women in public and private life. Girls learn about historical trailblazers – while also hearing from women who are making a difference today.

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Discover Connect

Connect consists of a range of clubs, activities and events to keep you linked to your wider community. You’ll enjoy games, food, festivals and outings – while also forming new friendships and staying close to your Jewish roots.

Learn More 

Gender Pledge Badge


When it comes to gender equality, we all have the power to make a difference.

That’s why NCJWA Vic is calling on Jewish community organisations in Victoria to commit to change. Organisations are invited to sign a Gender Equality Pledge, signifying their commitment to embrace gender equality as an important value throughout their organisation - in governance, management, staffing and volunteers and throughout programs, services and guest speakers.

See who’s signed the Gender Equality Pledge 

Read our signatories Accountability Report March 2023 

NCJWA Vic - History and Highlights

For Over 90 Years

What we do at NCJWA VIC

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Sponsors and Supporters

We'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all our sponsors and supporters for their ongoing support.
Our work couldn't continue without you.

Gandel Foundation
Besen Family Foundation
Victor Smorgon
Observership Program
6a Foundation
City of Glen Eira
Erdi Foundation
2020 VEYA Award Finalist
Bendigo Bank Caulfield Park
City of Kingston
Trawalla Foundation
City of Port Philip
Arnold Bloch Leibler
Claims Conference