Home / Gender Equality Pledge
Gender Equality

Gender Equality In The Community

Act now to improve gender equality and to ensure Jewish women in Victoria are equally represented in leadership positions and participate equally in community events.

Your call to action

NCJWA Vic is dedicated to creating a better world for women and girls. 

We’re calling on all Jewish community organisations in Victoria to improve the gender balance of their Boards, panels and speakers. Signing the pledge is the first step of our #MakeSpaceForHer campaign. 

By signing the pledge, your organisation is showing its members and the community that you’re committed to gender equality. 

Read our Gender Equality Pledge.

What are the benefits of gender equality?

Gender Equality benefits an organisation by increasing diversity, resilience, innovation and productivity.

Gender Equality in organisations is empirically linked to improved:

Learn more in our Gender Equality Pledge briefing paper.


What is expected of organisations who take the Pledge?
We expect organisations who sign the pledge to realise their aspirations to improve gender equality and to take responsibility to ensure Jewish women in Victoria are equally represented in leadership positions and participate equally in community events. 

How might taking the Pledge impact on the religious roles and/or traditions of Shule?
The Pledge is not in any way meant to be a religious document, but rather a commitment to encourage greater engagement with the congregants the Shules purport to represent. The spirit and intent of the campaign is not to demand 50/50 but to work with our dynamic communal organisations to encourage their decision-making arms to better represent the community they seek to represent.  

We have (or are keen to take the Pledge) but are unsure how to begin to realise our gender equality aspirations?
The Advocacy Committee has developed resources to support you to expand your culture of diversity and inclusion, and to create an organisation where women can thrive. You can:

Who's Signed The Pledge?

Access Inc
AJAX Junior Football Club
Ark Centre
Australasian Zionist Youth Council (AZYC) Incorporated
AUJS National
Australian Forum of Russian Speaking Jewry
Australian Friends of Tel Aviv University Vic
Australian Jewish Democratic Society
Australian Jewish Funders
Australian Jewish Historical Society
Beit Aharon
Bialik College
Blake Street Hebrew Congregation
Bnei Akiva Melbourne
Bnei Brith Victoria
Brighton Hebrew Congregation 
Caulfield Hebrew Congregation Inc
C Care
Council of Australian, New Zealand and Asian Progressive Rabbis (UPJ)
CSG Victoria
Hamerkaz Shelyanu Centre
Habonim Dror Melbourne
Hashomer Hatzair Australia
Hineni Youth & Welfare Victoria
Jewish Care Victoria
Jewish Climate Network
Jewish Holocaust Centre
Jewish Museum of Australia
Jewish Women of Words
Kehilat Nitzan
King David School
King David Foundation
Leibler Yavneh College
Maccabi Australia
Maccabi Victoria
Magen David Adom Australia
Melbourne Hebrew Congregation
Melbourne Jewish Book Week
Mizrachi Organisation
Mount Scopus Memorial College
New Israel Fund
Netzer Melbourne
OzShalom (The Shtick)
Progressive Judaism Victoria
Shira Hadasha Melbourne
Stand Up
St Kilda Hebrew Congregation
UIA Victoria
United Jewish Education Board
Zionism Victoria
Zionist Federation of Australia


Get Involved


Sign the pledge

Are you ready to make more space for her? Get in touch to sign the Gender Equality pledge. 
Register now


We’d like to know more

If your organisation is interested in Gender Equality and would like to talk about how to start the process, get in touch.
Enquire now
